ABYSSA, the experts in deep seabed exploration
ABYSSA provides services primarily for governments and public authorities that wish to understand the deep underwater heritage for which they are responsible, as well as for industrial players requiring information on marine resources and the environmental constraints that they must take into account.
A promising start
ABYSSA was set up as the result of a scientific project (the MESSIDOR/MELODI project that ran from 2014 to 2018), supported by Bpifrance as winner of the Concours Mondial Innovation (World Innovation Challenge), and which aimed to deploy a fleet of AUVs for detecting Seafloor Massive Sulphide (one of the three major mineral resources to be found in the deep seabed).
Since being set up, ABYSSA has found support from a number of institutions, organisations and partners, including: the Vice-Presidency of French Polynesia, the government of New Caledonia, France’s General Secretariat for the Sea (SG Mer), the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ifremer, the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), the French Maritime Cluster, the French Marine Industry Group (GICAN), TechnipFMC, and the Deep Sea Mining Alliance (DSMA).