ABYSSA, The French Company for Deep Ocean Exploration

Our job |_

Innovation is key for ABYSSA.

Specialising in exploring the deep ocean, ABYSSA works all over the world, to depths down to 6000 m, thanks to the use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs).
Our teams collect and analyse technical and environmental data to better understand the deep underwater environment and produce an inventory of our marine heritage and resources. Our high-resolution maps can thus provide invaluable insight for making informed strategic decisions.
Our R&D team has designed our own cutting-edge fleet of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) that we will deploy as a coordinated pack to give us far-ranging exploration and survey capabilities.
Our priority is to protect the oceans and the deep ocean environment. Campaigns are therefore planned with a view to minimising our ecological impact. The teams apply ABYSSA’s strict code of ethics, concerned to protect all data gathered.






Opérateur d'AUV

Operating the AUVs


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